22 August, 2014

A new, little game of hide & seek.

I've decided that what the world needs now are lovely little surprises. So, the game will work as such:

1. I will create a small little bundle of joy. It might be a small parcel (that hopefully won't require further investigation by a bomb squad one day). This might be a duplicate of some piece of music I own; this might be a bootleg concert cd-r or dvd-r; this might be art; this might be meaningful; and it might be received as utter crap. I've always loved the idea of leaving gems for others to find, so I hope this catches on. So, again, the item(s) will be created and assigned a number. For example: below is HC01 - the first item Hannah and I will be hiding. Generally - the contents will not be photographed, my wish is that people will photograph and share the contents they've found here or on Instagram using hashtags.

2. The clues to the whereabouts of the hidden items will be announced here: Haloe's Curios at Instagram

3. The retrieved item will provide the web address or the name of this blog, to which the recipient of the gift can go to and find more details about what they've discovered.

4. Hopefully they will become a follower and I can start a little trend of treasure seekers. If I'm lucky, these items will fall into the hands of individuals that appreciate the find for what it is - a hidden treasure, whether the contents are something they would typically seek out for themselves or not. If they are like me - they will hang on to the item forever exactly as they found it. Hopefully they will photograph their finds.

So, that's it. I'm hoping this catches on.... so let's get started. Hannah and I will be hiding the first items tomorrow.

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